Healing the Burning Times

The Ancestors Call us Home

An 8 week journey of magic and medicine for witches and women

Every Monday for 8 weeks
Next course dates tbc

Book your Place!

A Collective Wound Requires Collective Healing...

Women, Witches! The Ancestors are calling!

Join this transformational journey of healing as we travel through the ancestral realms to shift the inherited trauma patterns of separation rooted in the Witch-Hunts of 1450-1740.

With the support of our Ancestors, we will reclaim the power of our feminine magic and step more fully into our authentic, connected and creative selves. ​ We do it for ourselves, our ancestors and for those still to come!

​ Are you feeling isolated, stuck, uncertain right now?
Tired of being continually stressed or exhausted?
Afraid to speak your truth for fear of a negative backlash?
Self-sabotaging your own joy and success?
Lacking support to bring your dreams into being?
Suffering from an auto-immune condition and lacking energy?
Anxious about what is happening in the world?
Or simply feeling the call of your Ancestors and wanting to follow it deeper?

If so, you’re absolutely not alone and this journey can help!
This is an invitation to be take your place in a sisterhood and journey within to heal the ancestral wounds of the Burning Times. Understanding the brutal legacy of our shared history and how it continues to impact us, helps us unlock our authentic potential and bring more love, joy and vitality into our lives.

The world is in chaos right now and as we swim in the choppy waters of what feels like unprecedented times, life can feel challenging to navigate. Now more than ever we need to come together, to support each other as if our lives depended up it, and to rediscover who we really are and get clear on what really matters. Now more than ever we need to connect in authentic and supportive ways and ancestral connection can show us the way.

Our inherited trauma legacy means we carry deep wounds of separation that keep us disconnected which negatively impacts our wellbeing. Now is the time to change this. No one is coming to change it for us. We have to change it ourselves. It involves shadow work which is never the easy path to take which is why we must go together. When we find the courage to go to some of our darkest corners, we are often surprised to find that it's where we uncover our real gold!

Join us on this transformational journey into the magical realms of the Ancestors to heal the collective wound of the Burning Times. 

Here's What You'll Receive...

1. A live weekly zoom call which includes teachings, powerful guided visualisations, experiential healing exercises, and an opportunity to experience supportive sisterhood through sharing circles in breakout rooms.
2. Access to a recording of the live weekly calls to use in your own time.
3. Weekly homework invitations to bring further healing through ritual and creativity into your daily life.
4. Journal prompts to help you identify the wounds and blocks that hide in the shadows of your ancestral inheritance
5. Sisterhood support and connection through an active and moderated Facebook group.
6. A resource list for further learning
7. Access to a private webpage which hosts all the materials and resources listed above for 6 months after the journey ends.

The Roadmap...

Weeks 1 & 2 - Reconnecting our Ancestral Roots

-As we learn from the trees, so much depends on having strong roots - our health and vitality, our strength and resilience, our success in life. Our ancestral connections are a vital part of our root system and offer a powerful gateway to a supportive and meaningful spiritual life. As a modern culture we are largely cut off from these roots which leaves us ungrounded and lacking a deeper sense of who we really are.
-And so we begin our journey by reconnecting our severed ancestral roots and connecting with lineage guides and ancestral allies willing and able to support the healing we need to clear inherited trauma patterns. This work is done shamanically through guided visualisations and brings a real shift in your levels of empowerment and sense of purpose.

Weeks 3 & 4 - Rewriting our History

-We are all a product of the past, of our individual and collective ancestries. Knowing where we’ve come from forms our understanding of where and who we are. History has been written by the so-called victors and as such, can give us a one-sided and unbalanced view of what really happened.
-The Witch Hunts is a 300 year part of our not so distant past that most of us don’t learn about in school and is yet perhaps one of the most important lessons we need to know. The Burning Times created an archetypal wound deep in the psyche of humanity that we still haven’t recovered from. It’s time for us all to know the truth about what happened to both the victims and the persecutors alike, and to the communities from which they came. No one escaped the impact of these times. And through epigenetics, we all continue to play out the survival patterns of the past.
-With our ancestral roots reconnected, we journey into learning about this tragic story of persecution along with its global repercussions. You will understand more about yourself and the inherited patterns that play out in your life. Through shamanic journeying and ritual we shift these patterns individually and help change the cultural norms of our times to live a new story, making a more beautiful history for future generations to come. ​

Weeks 5, 6 and 7 - Healing the Three Wounds of Separation

-We are designed for connection yet conditioned for separation. This is the legacy of trauma and it is affecting our healthy functioning as a species. Tragically we have been disconnected from our own selves, from Nature and from each other. Centuries of betrayal and mistrust have caused faulty wiring in our systems that leave us isolated and unable to rely on each other for nourishment and support. Our feminine gifts are kept locked away, belittled, and unvalued through fear, guilt and shame.
-With the help of our ancestral allies, we journey through each of these wounds to remove the blocks and resistances in our ability to connect. Now is the time to heal our wounds of separation held in place through competition and comparison, criticism and judgement, envy and passive aggression. To heal our sisterhood bonds requires all of us and is a journey we must take together.
-Magic is what happens when we plug into the potential of who we really are and into the ecosystems of Nature and Spirit of which we are part. Fear and negative beliefs are what get in our way. Connected to our magic, we are powerful beyond measure and yet most of us have no idea of just quite how. Bringing our magic together, our collective powers are amplified.

Week 8 - An Ancestral Healing Ceremony

-Ceremony is a powerful way to live! It helps bring us into our heart-centre and access the sacredness of who we are and life itself. Together we will mark the end of our journey by honouring ourselves and our Ancestors in a gratitude ceremony; a sacred circle in which all of our gifts are welcome and needed. Even on zoom, it's amazing how much beauty and oxytocin we can create!

Healing the Burning Times

The Ancestors Call us Home
An 8 week journey of magic and medicine for witches and women

Every Monday for 8 weeks
Next journey dates tbc

Book your Place!

Here's what others have said about their experience...

: ​"This online journey has been truly transformational and tied into the core of my most personal healing work. I feel held, seen, supported, and connected while shining a light on an ancient wound. I am so grateful to Cali and to the other women who joined together to engage with this important work," CD

​"I walked a solitary path prior to the workshop, now I walk with my ancestors." RS

"I would say to anyone considering entering this work with Cali “Sign up straight away! It might not always be ‘easy’ work, but with Cali’s depth and breadth of knowledge and wisdom, and uniquely insightful way of presenting these workshops, you will be taken on a deep diving, thought provoking journey and come out at the end wanting more.” GB

"Cali, I want to thank you for an absolutely authentic, powerful and deeply humbling experience during this work of honouring and feeling into The Burning Times. I’ve been drawn to a range of ways of healing over the last few years, but nothing else has resonated in this way. I was apprehensive and slightly skeptical about guided journeying to meet my ancestors but this was something really profound and unique, and like nothing I’ve experienced before. I feel I am now standing at the beginning of something far bigger than I, with a renewed sense of purpose, hope and stronger connections to my ancestors, feeling more firmly rooted in my northern heritage. I’ve a deeper ‘knowing’ of who I am and why the things that light me up matter so much to me, even if others don’t share those passions. And that’s ok." SM

"Cali, I wanted to let you know how brilliant the Healing the Burning Times journey has been and how much it brought me personally and how important they are in a wider sense. As the future feels more uncertain than ever, it is increasingly difficult to effect any meaningful change. I felt a strong need to connect with people who feel similar in some way and since beginning the journey with you and the other women who participated, I am convinced of how vital our connections to each other are. This work is timely and valuable; exploring new avenues is pressing. The progression of the sessions over the weeks was great and each one generated new insights. The overall effect has been subtle and profound - gentle, but truly life-changing. As we agreed together in our closing ceremony, numerous themes have opened up for us all to pursue and I am already miles further down the line on this exciting journey." HN